  • expectations
  • limits
  • creativity

Working to bring innovation and perfection to every build. We source the highest quality parts and manufacture the ones we can’t source to make sure that your build comes out perfectly every time.

Step 1: Imagine it

What rifle/pistol have you been dreaming of? If you can imagine, we will try to build it(or find it for you).

Step 2: Give us a call

Go ahead, spill it. We really want to know what you are thinking and help you make it a reality.

Step 3: Prepare to be Impressed

Once we have your desired specs we will get to work on providing you with a custom quote and start building your gun just as you imagined it.

Do you even pew pew bro?

Pew Pew was created out of a passion for the sport of competitive shooting and responsible gun ownership. Named by the pew pew fingers that many of us grew up thinking was cool and the sound kids make when they are gonna “pew pew something”, we are all about creating products that will stand the test of time and bring a smile to your face with every pull of the trigger.

We carry the same trusted brands the professionals use in their daily duty!


Get In Touch With Us

We love to hear from you. Let us know what is on your mind or if you want to get started on your own custom build!